Cautionary Notice Regarding Steven K. Whitesides from West Linn, Oregon

An anonymous source has shared a personal account involving Steven K. Whitesides, a 57-year-old man from West Linn, Oregon. According to the source, Steven, who is described as having gray hair, blue eyes, standing 5′ 10″ tall, and weighing 170 pounds, has been involved in the online dating scene, using the usernames “Bullmoon” on Plenty of Fish and “billygote173” on Yahoo.

The source alleges that they were in an exclusive relationship with Steven and contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD) from him in October 2008. The source’s doctor purportedly confirmed the transmission of herpes during that time frame, based on the symptoms and the severity of the illness experienced. When confronted, Steven reportedly claimed he was unaware of carrying the herpes virus, as he had not experienced any symptoms himself, and he expressed skepticism about the doctor’s diagnosis.

It is further alleged that after persistent requests from the source, Steven underwent medical testing in June 2009, which resulted in a positive test for herpes antibodies. Despite this, the source claims that Steven continues to question the validity of the test results and whether he truly carries the virus.

The anonymous source expresses concern that Steven may not disclose his STD status to future partners. This concern is rooted in the alleged past behavior and the reported doubts Steven has about his own medical condition.

This account serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities and responsibilities involved in intimate relationships, particularly regarding the communication of health-related information. It is a reminder of the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of its absence. It is important to note that these are allegations, and without further confirmation, they remain as such.

Summary of: Original Report

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