Cautionary Notice Regarding Scott Wellman from Irvine, California.

In the bustling city of Irvine, a story involving Scott Wellman, a 58-year-old lawyer practicing at Wellman & Waller LLP, has come to light through an anonymous source. Wellman, who resides in a high-rise condo, has been described as a bisexual male with dark brown hair and brown eyes, standing 5′ 8” tall and weighing 190 pounds. The source recounts their personal experience with Wellman, beginning with a casual friendship that developed after meeting at a local Asian restaurant, Pham 55.

According to the anonymous individual, their relationship with Wellman took a turn when they sought his legal assistance for a cousin’s eviction, a situation that involved a significant financial guarantee. During the course of their relationship, the source alleges that Wellman disclosed his divorced status. However, the relationship soured as the source claims to have discovered dishonesty on Wellman’s part, leading to their decision to end the relationship.

The situation escalated when the source experienced health symptoms and, upon contacting Wellman, was informed of his herpes diagnosis. The source alleges that Wellman claimed to be very careful and unlikely the source of the infection. Nonetheless, the source is convinced of Wellman’s responsibility for the transmission, citing medical advice and the absence of other partners during the timeframe.

Furthermore, the source accuses Wellman of failing to disclose not only his health condition but also his marital status, among other undisclosed matters. The anonymous individual expresses concern for Wellman’s family and hopes to raise awareness about their experience.

This account raises questions about personal responsibility, disclosure in intimate relationships, and the complexities of trust. It serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of its absence. As with all such allegations, it is crucial to approach the story with empathy and a critical eye, recognizing the limitations of one-sided accounts.

Summary of: Original Report

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