Caution! Andrew Donnelly from Eastpointe, Michigan

It comes to light that an individual known as Andrew, also referred to as ‘Drifter’ or ‘Drifty Guy’, allegedly failed to divulge important medical information to his partner. After spending one and a half years together, the partner noticed suspicious bumps on Andrew, who claimed a doctor had assured him they were harmless. However, after seeking medical advice in 2010, the partner was found to have contracted HPV Genital Warts.

While it’s crucial to note that this sexually transmitted disease (STD) can sometimes go dormant and not remain with a person indefinitely, there is no hard and fast rule. Each body’s response varies, with some managing to eradicate the disease while in others it continues to persist. Furthermore, there is currently no test for men, with visible symptoms being the only way to determine infection.

In this particular case, the betrayal is incredibly poignant as the partner chose complete transparency with their current fiancĂ© regarding their health situation. The story also reveals that Andrew possibly failed to inform a subsequent partner about his STD, asserting that he did tell her only to later confess this wasn’t the truth. Allegedly, he admitted this deceit was simply to alleviate any guilt or concerns the original partner may have had. Additionally, Andrew also allegedly admitted to physically abusing this subsequent partner.

About Andrew:

Andrew Donnelly is a 21-year-old, light brown-haired, blue-eyed man from Eastpointe, MI, USA. He stands 5’11” tall and weighs around 125 pounds.

Summary of: Original Report

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