Caution Advised: Information Regarding Alexander Ferrer Carrero from Riverview, Florida

In a concerning online post, an anonymous source has raised serious allegations against a man identified as Alexander Ferrer Carrero. The source alleges that individuals who have been in contact with Carrero should be vigilant about their health, particularly regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HSV-1 and HPV.

The anonymous individual claims to have evidence, including pre- and post-test results from a former partner, which suggests Carrero may be a carrier of an STI. They assert that Carrero was notified about the potential HPV infection in April 2023 but has since been unresponsive to attempts to contact him for testing. The source expresses frustration over Carrero’s alleged refusal to undergo testing and warns others about his behavior.

Furthermore, the post accuses Carrero of engaging in behavior that could be classified as personal injury under Florida law, equating it to battery or a misdemeanor of the first degree. The source also mentions Carrero’s employment at a casino in Tampa and alleges that his heavy use of drugs and alcohol may contribute to his purported negligence.

The anonymous poster expresses a sense of betrayal and disappointment in Carrero’s actions and hopes to prevent others from experiencing similar harm. They also provide information on how an individual can have their profile removed from the site where the accusation is posted, which involves obtaining a clean bill of health from a doctor’s office, as home testing services are not considered valid for this purpose.

The post includes a brief description of Carrero, noting his age, ethnicity, physical characteristics, and location. It is important to approach such allegations with caution, as they are yet to be proven in a legal setting, and the information provided is from an anonymous source.

Summary of: Original Report

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