Alert! Scott Rainville from Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

An individual has shared a personal account of an alleged incident involving a man named Scott Rainville. The individual claims that after a one-night stand with Scott, they contracted Herpes type 2. Despite asking Scott to use protection, the individual alleges that he refused. When asked about his sexual health, Scott reportedly assured the individual that he was “clean.”

Following their encounter, the individual began experiencing flu-like symptoms and was later diagnosed with herpes. When confronted, Scott allegedly expressed shock and denied any knowledge of having the virus. However, he reportedly did not seek medical testing or offer support to the individual during their illness.

Several months later, the individual learned from Scott’s former roommate that Scott had previously admitted to having herpes. When confronted again, Scott allegedly admitted to having the virus but did not disclose who he contracted it from. He also reportedly dismissed the importance of being honest about his condition with future partners.

The individual claims that Scott now avoids them, refusing to make eye contact or engage in conversation. The individual feels used and mistreated, vowing not to let the matter rest.

About Scott Rainville:

Scott Rainville is described as a 29-year-old white male, standing 5′ 9” tall and weighing 190 pounds. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes and resides in Bretton Woods, NH, USA.

Summary of: Original Report

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