Alert Regarding Gabriel Perez from Albuquerque, New Mexico

In a concerning online post, an anonymous source has come forward with serious allegations against an individual named Gabriel Perez, described as a 34-year-old male of Hispanic and White ethnicity, residing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. According to the source, Perez is frequently seen in the downtown area of Albuquerque, engaging in social activities at bars and other hangout spots, with the intention of meeting women.

The anonymous individual, who identifies as a former partner of Perez, accuses him of being a liar and manipulator, particularly in his interactions with women. The source alleges to have contracted Herpes from Perez and claims to know of over a dozen other women who have reportedly had similar experiences. Furthermore, the post accuses Perez of refusing to use protection during sexual encounters, despite allegedly being aware of his health status.

The allegations escalate to include accusations of physical and mental assault, with the anonymous source detailing a harrowing experience of being raped and forced into unprotected sex at gunpoint. Despite reporting these incidents to the police, the individual felt compelled to share their story online as a warning to others.

Additionally, the post mentions that Perez is also accused of having Gonorrhea, further emphasizing the risk to potential partners. The anonymous source urges anyone who has had interactions with Perez to seek medical advice.

This post serves as a stark reminder of the importance of exercising caution and due diligence in personal relationships, especially with individuals met in social settings. It also highlights the potential dangers of manipulation and the serious implications of non-consensual actions. While these allegations are indeed grave, it is crucial to approach them with a degree of skepticism and await proper investigation and verification.

Summary of: Original Report

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