Rethinking Dating Stereotypes Could Revolutionize Your Love Life

“Untyping” in Dating: A New Perspective on Romance

I’m sure most of us have heard comments such as: “I definitely have a type”, or, “He’s not really my type”. If we go by the messaging in rapper Saweetie’s anthem, ‘My Type’, preferences in romantic partners can be quite specific. Be it their earnings or even how well-endowed they are – these factors may form part and parcel of an individual’s preferred partner profile.

However, there seems to be a growing inclination towards breaking away from this trend. Research reveals that several individuals are setting aside traditional “types”, inching toward what is referred to as “untyping”. Data gathered by Badoo, a dating app disclosed that 77% of daters desired exploring avenues beyond their customary types.

The Science behind ‘Types’

Dating experts opine that having a so-called ‘type’ assists people in streamlining the somewhat daunting task of finding potential partners based on attraction and feel-good factor – giving rise to personal desirable benchmarks and distinct personality traits one finds appealing.

Krista Jordan PhD, therapist with Choosing Therapy hints at some evolutionary basis for developing romantic tendencies. As she elaborates further,“Your ‘type’ aligns with what is familiar because it feels more trustworthy without any conscious effort.”

The Birth-place of ‘Types’

‘Typing’ starts early according to Kelley PhD who emphasizes how treatment received during infancy from parents and caregivers sets our expectations for close relationships often cemented between ages 1-5 years.
The repetitive cycle however can tip over into being unhealthy should negative impressions carry forward into adulthood influence choice negatively compelling them to seek out similar personalities.

The Unorthodox Road

The decision to deviate from one’s type and navigate unfamiliar territory can depend greatly on individual experiences.

Advantages of Untyping

Apart from breaking old patterns, there could be several silver linings in store for those who untype. A broadened perspective indeed correlates with a more comprehensive understanding of self as well as realized biases. Stepping out of an ingrained pattern introduces you to diverse outlooks and life lessons aplenty – even possibly injecting freshness into your love-life too.

Missteps on the Untyped Pathway

However, it’s advisable not to dive headlong onto this path. Experts stress upon being open-minded while still prioritising personal needs and preferences.

Feeling stuck dating someone despite negative signals should also steer clear off your list.
“Running into a sign of problems for the sake of ‘untyping’ isn’t healthy.” warns Dr.Kelley.Hence remember that distinguishing between stepping outside your comfort zone versus venturing towards unaligned values is paramount when embarking on this journey


In conclusion-

‘Untyping’ is about checking intensions primarily before making decisions which might mean risking previous judgment calls or pressing some restraints – always keeping safety first followed by personal happiness that will help you find wholesome connections irrespective how many right swipes it takes!


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