Report indicates safety of BCC campus

Barton Community College Annual Security Report:

Barton Community College has recently disclosed the annual security and fire safety report for 2023. This report, required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, highlights our dedication to ensuring student safety on campus.

In a statement issued with the report, Barton’s President Dr. Carl Heilman emphasized that: “Barton Community College provides a comprehensive learning environment and is committed to success of each student. Essential in this commitment is the safety and security of our students, employees, and public.”

Security Updates:

The Lead Campus Safety Officer Lucas Stoelting briefed about an issue concerning outdated radio equipment used by campus security officers during his presentation at a recent study session convened by Barton’s Board of Trustees.

Criminal Offenses & Reports:

The report details incidents pertaining to criminal offenses which account from individual actions like possession or consumption of alcohol at gatherings as separate instances under U.S Department Of Education guidelines.

Report Reflections:on Barton Community College

“While this might appear daunting or misleading,” says Dr.Heilman “The statistics show we have made significant strides towards creating a safer academic atmosphere.” And also emphasised how necessary it is being proactive regarding all potential threats-this sentiment was put in context referencing an incident involving reports of armed intrusion elsewhere echoed these sentiments.”

Detailed Figures :

The newly released data reveals some alarming details including one count each rape,fondling case on main campuss alongwith motor vehicle theft;22 drug law violations and 26 liquor law violations during the last year.The antecedent year had recorded two rapes, one motor vehicle theft, a case of dating violence along with 12 instances of drug-related crimes and no less than 25 alcohol-related infractions.No incidents pertaining to severe acts such as murders,burglaries,aggravated assaults,robberies or arsons have been reported for both observed years.

No Hate Crimes:

The report is ameliorative in noting an absence of hate crime in either year on record. Such findings stand testament to our sustained pursuit towards promoting tolerance within the Barton community.

Criminal Activities at Other Campuses:

Campuses at different locations including Golden Belt Workforce Center at Great Bend; Fort Leavenworth,Fort Riley and Grandview Plaza also reflect satisfactory statistical data witnessing zero criminal offenses.Incidents involving sex offense fondling was reported the preceding year.

Are we truly striving towards providing an inclusive,safe environment where students can pursue endeavors without fear? These statistics seem to say so! However security remains a dynamic process and complacency from these results would be fatal.As Lead Campus Safety Officer Lucas Stoelting puts it ”We need work on aspects which present challenges”, such examples illustrate how constantly staying vigilant will allow us to even better this supportive atmosphere here at Barton Community College.

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