New Scam in Delhi Targets Dating App Users: Social Media User Warns About Cafes Hiring Women to Trick Customers

Beware of Dating App Scam in Delhi

A social media user recently took to a platform, previously known as Twitter, to share his experience falling victim to an alleged “new dating app scam.” He claims the incident resulted in him losing over ₹15,000. More importantly, he detailed how he was manipulated into paying an exorbitant bill after attending a date at a Delhi restaurant which he had met through Bumble.

After settling the high priced check, upon returning from the restroom visit, the man discovered that his date insisted on leaving immediately and found out that his paid bill had vanished from their table. The situation became clearer when he arrived home only to find out that she was no longer accessible on the dating app; she also ignored all forms of contact aside via phone.

This illegal tactic is not something new according to multiple users who have shared similar experiences online. Our protagonist echoed one review about the bar that highlighted it as a hotspot for scams while advising others against visiting there with friends due its notorious reputation.

In addition to this case another complainant posted about encountering “scamming nexus around Rajouri garden”. This post dated July 30th revealed details of how prices were inflated with bills amounting being charged ₹11K for goods/services worth just ₹2.5k – ₹3k max – advice and help provided by onsite staff proved insignificant did little aid during contract confrontation.

Note: Please regard these safety pointers before you decide your next meeting or gathering location:

  1. The bar located Rajouri recruits young women intentionally luring potential dates
  2. Avoid an insistence on going to a specific bar and restaurant in Rajouri Garden
  3. Beware of excessive pricing, heavy charges are added even for petty items like two-three drinks which can go up to ₹15-20,000

These revelations should serve as a warning to others who use dating apps. It is always recommended that you choose public places with reasonable price ranges when meeting someone new.

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