Federal Funds Available to Assist Victims of Domestic Violence and Their Families

The Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) in Columbus has declared that from November 1, they will be accepting applications for federal emergency shelter and aid services designated for victims of domestic violence and their dependents.

These funds will facilitate the creation, sustenance, and growth of programs or projects which aim to:

End incidences involving family violence, domestic abuse or dating attacks.

Offer instant shelter, assistance services as well as incorporating community-based schemes for victims who have experienced any form of family cruelty, household violence or dating mistreatment along with their dependents.

Render specialized assistance particularly to children exposed to familial harm, householder brutality or date-related aggression; neglected population groups; plus representatives belonging to racial & ethnic minority communities victimized by such acts.

The entities eligible to apply consist primarily of community-centered non-profit organizations that furnish emergency housing and supportive infrastructure catered towards sufferers of family distressing events, domestic conflicts and accosting behavior during dates including those directly dependent on them.

The administration of these grants under the FY 2024 Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) jurisdiction lies within OCJS’s responsibility.

An RFP has been issued today by OCJS in relation with FVPSA grant. It contains guidelines relating qualifications required for eligibility alongside prerequisites pertaining application submissions moreover a step-by-step guide leading applicants through application processes .

A voluntary webinar specially arranged targeting potential Bidders arrives on Nov. 9 at sharp 10 a.m., designed with the intent to assist all levels during process from preparation up till final review stages regarding application proposals. All those interested to register can do so on this link https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5431102991055240533.

All chosen recipients are entitled to a 12-month funding tenure commencing from July 1, 2024 and wrapping up by June 30, 2025. The cutoff date for submitting finalized applications has been decided as Dec.7 at sharp 5 p.m.

Legally delineated as the Apex justice execution body based in Ohio specializing in logistical planning as well as allocation of critical resources to statewide law & order causes; OCJS functions under the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s purview dispersing several financial aids both from state reserves and federal funds each year directed towards criminal justice reinforcement .

The additional duties that OCJS proactively pursues apart from its standard responsibilities also involves constant program evaluations while additionally developing technological backends suitable training modules even generating various products aimed directly at professional communities involved with criminal justice enforcement roles.

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