Exploring Polyamory: A Perspective for Students

Image by Lightfield Studios courtesy of Adobe Stock

The concept of polyamory can stir up a multitude of varied imaginations. Perhaps it elicits images of middle-aged groups reveling in campgrounds, their doors adorned with pineapple lanterns, or you’re reminded of a 70’s flick featuring keys exchange among couples. But did you ever envision that college student sitting next to you leading such as lifestyle?

Yes, there indeed are students embracing this intriguing practice right on your very campus! Read on if you’ve been pondering over the reality faced by these students or if your interest lies specifically in understanding more about polyamory.

Polyamory: A Definition

Polyamory, at its most basic level, involves engaging in multiple romantic and sexual relationships given the agreement and consent from all parties involved. Often referred to as ethical non-monogamy because every participant is informed and agrees to take part.

The real-life application often adds layers complicating the definition – two individuals could be engaged in an open relationship allowing each other to date outside while maintaining their primary partnership; alternatively, individuals opting for polyamory might form what is known as polycules – interconnected networks formed out of direct or indirect romantic or sexual ties.

Can Polyamory be Considered a Sexual Preference?

Nope! One’s sexual preference usually falls under one’s innate characteristics which may neither change nor evolve much over the course of one’s life. The case with polyamory is different though – an individual may take up a polyamorous lifestyle for some period, and then opt for monogamous practices when they find it suits them better. Some people explore this option purely out of curiosity, while some have genuinely developed feelings for multiple partners. While it takes center stage in certain people’s lives permanently, others might experiment with it just temporarily.

Why do Students Show Inclination Towards Polyamory?

Exploring unchartered territories becomes quite common upon entering college; students are exposed to novel ideas & values sans parental restrictions or societal biases. This newfound freedom makes experimenting seem like a viable choice! Encountering intense emotions towards more than one individual and not restricted by straightjacket monogamy rules often lead students toward ethical non-monogamous practices.

Faced with Challenges & Benefits as a Poly College Student

A student choosing to be poly has both positive and negative aspects associated:

  • You’re pushed to adopt honest communication;
  • Dating could potentially be challenging;
  • Possibility of dealing with careless relationship rejection stemming from misconceptions;
  • Your widened social circle offers easier access to supportive friends during trying times.
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