Does Online Dating Make You More Vulnerable to ‘Sextortion’? Insights from a Psychologist

Scammers on dating platforms are prevalent, with many exaggerating physical attributes and skillfully exploiting people’s search for love. This level of deception can lead to serious consequences including financial loss and severe emotional distress as they lever their victims into sharing personal data or images in a process called “sextortion.” Here are two ways to protect yourself when looking for love online.

1. Don’t Be Lulled Into A False Sense Of Security

Thoroughly examining the profile of an individual expressing interest can help prevent you from falling prey to scammers’ deceitful manoeuvres. This includes paying attention to inconsistencies between what they claim about themselves and the information provided, signs of photo manipulation such as overly professional images or absence of candid photos and be highly sceptical towards excessively flattering language designed to establish trust.

The scammer may attempt various gimmicks like revealing more than necessary about them, compelling you into reciprocation but it’s vital that any step taken is at your own pace without succumbing under pressure if not comfortable. In case anyone threatens or manipulates you into sharing inappropriate details or money under false pretexts block them immediately while seeking external assistance through the authorities.

2. If Something Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is

At times we might find someone who seems exactly compatible mirroring all our preferences which mostly could warrant suspicion as ended up being artifice constructed by scammers adept in deceiving using counterfeit identity banking on misleading narratives soaked in persuasive communication tailored precisely playing upon psychological vulnerabilities aimed eroding judgment meanwhile gaining trust necessary for manipulation. Thus, if you feel someone is being evasive or dishonest when asked specific questions, trust your gut instincts and withdraw.


Navigating through dating websites without falling into these deceitful traps require vigilance coupled with healthy skepticism while also protecting visitors from unwarranted paranoia as assertiveness provides a robust defence against potential deception. It’s of utmost importance to not give in to any unreasonable demands signifying vulnerability rather taking measures safeguarding one’s interest by acknowledging the risks and enjoy the world of online dating with a clear understanding of its pitfalls. Keep faith in your judgment facilitating discernment between truth and scams making this digital avenue of romance risk-proof.

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