Beshear declares more than $2.2M to combat domestic violence

Kentucky Governor Awards Over $2.2 Million to Combat Domestic Violence

In a move aimed at tackling domestic violence, Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky has awarded over $2.2 million to 32 organizations across the state that work towards preventing domestic violence and supporting survivors.

This is part of a broader mission by the Beshear administration, in collaboration with The Council of State Governments (CSG), geared towards launching the largest statewide domestic violence data project ever recorded by the council. As expressed by Beshear himself, “my top priority as governor is to make our Commonwealth safer for every Kentucky family, and I am proud that today we are investing more than $2 million into making this happen.”

Details of the Funding

The funds were sourced from federal money made available through the Violence Against Women Act grant program primarily centered on stopping sexual assault, dating aggression domestic abuse and stalking occurrences amongst other issues. This substantial budget allocation will be utilized for law enforcement purposes, victim services provision,b prosecutor preparation levels boosting efforts as well as support systems building strategy applied within state and local courts. Also targeted under these funding provisions are both community-based projects catering for youth victims aged between 11-17 years old.

Funding Recipients Include:

  • The Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Safe Harbor – an organization based out in Northeast Kentucky,

  • La Casita Center located in Louisville.

Beyond providing critical financial aid, Gov.Besher deems reliable data collection mechanisms instrumental in rooting out any forms of domestic abuse within commonwealth communities.

In line with this, the partnership between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government along with Kentucky State Police,the Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center under the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet’s command among other key partners will be worthwhile investing in for all patients, victims or survivors.

This robust cooperation led by CSG’s Justice Center has been initiated to generate pertinent policy recommendations informed by an extensive analytical study tackling precision detailing domestic violence violation scenarios recorded within existing community databases.

Anticipated Commission Date

The ambitious project is slated for completion towards late 2024 round up stage mark. Worth noting also that despite its impressive scale, it comes at no extra cost to the citizens of Kentucky as part of presented budget expenses provisions tallying count expected from them.

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