Bureau of Justice Statistics on Firearm Transfers Background Checks for 2019-2020

Bureau of Justice Statistics Releases 18th Report on Gun Background Checks

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) recent release of its 18th report on firearm background checks offers an insightful look at the landscape of firearms permits and checks in America. This thoroughly comprehensive account details the number of applications for firearm transfers and permits received by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and state and local checking agencies. The report is an essential resource for those wishing to better understand the varying regulations that exist from state to state.

A Deep-Dive into Background Checks and Permits

The 18th edition of the BJS report takes a profound dive, unravelling details about the myriad types of permits or checks used by different states. The researchers have made tireless efforts to compile data that paints a vivid picture of these processes, gleaning information from a patchwork of different sources and ensuring that the report can be a reliable tool for policymakers, journalists, and concerned citizens alike.

Spotlight on State Variations

One of the report’s central focuses lies in illuminating the significant variations in the mechanisms utilized by states for processing applications. Whether it’s about permits required for possession or purchasing, or about instant criminal background checks carried out by the FBI, the report outlines this multi-dimensional landscape in an easily understandable way. It engages the reader with eye-opening data about firearms regulations that can vary wildly from one state to another and provides a resourceful insight into the complex world of firearm legislations.

Insights on Denials

Furthermore, the data compiled gives us an intriguing look into the number of denials issued by these agencies. The report goes the extra mile by also listing the reasons leading to these refusals. Such information could be instrumental not only in understanding the current state of affairs but also in plotting potential pathways for effective legislation in the future.

A Resource of National Importance

This pivotal report contains a wealth of information that is not simply data – it is a microscope into our nation’s system, a map guiding our course of action, a mirror reflecting the realities of our society. It is also a testament to the crucial work performed by our federal and state agencies in ensuring public safety, and a reflection of their commitment to open communication and transparency.


Whether you are a policymaker preparing to draft new firearm regulations, a journalist seeking accurate and detailed information, or simply a concerned citizen eager to understand the intricacies of current gun laws, this report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics is an invaluable resource. With its exhaustive exploration of the firearm background check system across the United States, it provides a comprehensive snapshot of where we stand and where we need to go. Its sobering insights are an important contribution to ongoing conversations about gun control and public safety, underlining the complexities of these issues and encouraging informed, thoughtful discourse.

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